Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where Have All The Foggots Gone?

I was beginning to think I was the lone contributor to Yummy Fog.  I didn't mind, I know people are busy, and some of my fellow Yummy Foggers have started posts... they've had ideas...

It turns out, though, that they have been active.  They've just been giving it away for free all over the internet, and via quality text messages like the one above I received from ScaryGuy.
"From now on, I will call all abortions 'stupaks.'"
Wanna see what else they've been up to?

The following 2 bits have been borrowed from other websites, but really happened as you see them.  Some info has been redacted, identities preserved, and irrelevant information removed.

I caught Ferociously Aloof being coy on Facebook.  But, once you get him going... he can't be stopped:

The best line is at the end, so I hope you read it all-- even though he uses way too many words.
"Now comes the part where the Republicans say the whole thing is nothing more than Poop soup with a couple of pieces of chicken in it and the Democrats counter with, No, no it's Chicken soup with only a couple of pieces of poop in it."
More awesome from another far corner of the internet, where our own Gnome Enthusiast put a quick and merciful end to a comment section of people trumpeting the idea of universal health care, in Canada and the United States:
He summarizes the entire mess quite well in the finale (which still has yet to be responded to).
"If you want to pass a bill, you don’t steal the money from the people who will never use it to support the people (who) will never pay for it."
Good job, everybody.  Don't forget to share your wisdom with YF from time to time, though.


Ferociously Aloof said...

"A government that robs from Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul." --George Bernard Shaw

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." --Thomas Jefferson

"Delay is preferable to error." --Thomas Jefferson

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." --Jefferson again

"Wish you'd quit bein' so good to me, Cap'n" --Cool Hand Luke

"What begins twisted, ends twisted." --Dunno

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help." --Ronald Reagan

You're Wrong said...

I enjoy public schoolteachers and US Military servicemen complaining about the Government taking care of people.

Stupak was damn funny, though.

Duck of Death said...

Q: You know what's wrong with public schools?
A: The Department of Education.

Ferociously Aloof said...

I enjoy underachievers still trying to pull off smugness.

Gnome Enthusiast said...

I am no longer in the military. Regardless, the military is a fundamental part of the constitution where as health care is not. The military is there to defend our citizen's rights and safety against foreign threats, where as health care is not a right at all.

ScaryGuy said...

"I enjoy underachievers still trying to pull off smugness." That'd be enough for me to never post here again.

Storme said...

"Well . . . bye." -- Powers Boothe ("Tombstone")

Anonymous said...

If you guys are going to insult liberals like liberals insult conservatives, Christians and white males then I'm not posting anymore. (sarcasm light is "on")

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