Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

Riding a bicycle is never cool. If you don't believe me, just look at the hero of the bike-riding world: an ambiguously gay corporate shill with only one testicle.

That fact aside, one of the U.S. Presidents pictured above looks decidedly more capable on his two-wheeler than the other one.  I'll let you decide which.

(Post-Script: Yes, I do think wrecking your bicycle face-first earns you extra man points.  Because, I'm the judge of such things.)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Guess who's back.

I move to canonize Governor Chris Christie as the 1st Patron Saint of Yummy Fog.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kicking Off Ramadaan In Style

On August 3rd, 2010, White House Press Secretary (for now) Robert Gibbs was asked about the Obama Administration's stance on the controversial mosque being proposed within rifle-range of Ground Zero.  At that time, Gibbs said
" I’m not from here going to get involved in local decision-making like that."
Aside from being comically ironic, considering the President has involved himself in local decision-making plenty of times so far (like this time... and this time) with astounding effect, it seemed obvious that the White House was going to try to duck-and-cover on this sensitive issue.

That is, it seemed that way until Friday night.

According to the President, people are sensitive to this because they are traumatized by 9/11 (no shit).  But, his implication is that the trauma involved somehow makes the opposition to the location of the mosque unwarranted.

His words, before a group of hungry Muslims, went on to shed light on his reasoning behind this stance.  Well, his reasons beyond that he is an Islamic sympathizer, of course.
"Let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country".
I don't think anybody disagrees there.  Please continue, Mr. President.
"That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances".
And this is where--after much personal careful deliberation-- I do disagree.  Careful deliberation and the United States Constitution.  This amazing document pretty well covers all the important stuff, and it is very clear on this:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
You see, because New York City has already 100 mosques throughout the city, there is no impediment on Islamic worship.  In fact, nobody is saying that can't build a giant mosque, just that they cannot build a giant mosque THERE.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

SuperChristie Will Punch You

This video is from June 6, 2010.  I don't know how I've missed it until today.

This guy was born to lead in this modern age of tumultuous politics.  It is funny to hear that he shys away from the "conservative" tag.  I can see why.

It seems that Governor Christie acts on his convictions based on what is best for his constituency while being less interested in categorizations or media-interpretations.  His thoughts on conservatism are moot, however, because he is definitely doing things the right way-- saying what he means, and doing what he says.

He is a mythical creature come to life-- the effective and decisive politician-of-the-people.

(Click here for a great brief biography of Governor Chris Christie's young political career.)

Friday, August 6, 2010


A lot has been going on this week... more so than other weeks.  So, let's run down a few of the choicest cuts leading into the weekend:
  • The Dems Must Be Shady
    Two old-school Democrat lawmakers, Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel are both up on ethics charges.  (But their constituents have been dumb enough to elect them this long, I'm guessing it won't effect future elections for either).  Meanwhile, John Kerry tried to hide his new yacht in Rhode Island to avoid taxes in his home state of Massachusetts.

    We can only imagine the shit-storm this would kick up if it were a bunch of Republicans behaving so badly, but we all know why it isn't*

  • If You Can't Beat Them...
    Speaking of shady Democrat tactics, this story was harder to find than it should be*. Democrat patsies on the ground (who are surely the lowest forms of life in America today) have taken to petitioning for Tea Party candidates, so as to get a third party on the ballot that will split the Conservative electorate. 

    They tried calling the Tea Party small and irrelevant.  Then they tried calling them crazy and white.  Then they tried calling them racist and violent.  And, since none of that has proven true, they will resort to old chicanery.

  • Missouri is Great
    You may not have heard*, but on Tuesday, the citizens of the Show-Me State spoke loudly about the government's new Health Care Law by voting overwhelmingly to

    - Deny the government authority to penalize citizens for refusing to purchase private health insurance or infringe upon the right to offer or accept direct payment for lawful healthcare services?
    - Modify laws regarding the liquidation of certain domestic insurance companies?
    What did White House press secretary Robert Gibbs think this 3 to 1 decision by Missouri voters meant for the country and President Barack Obama's administration?

    and also the vote has, "no legal significance" 

  •  Voting Has No Legal SignificanceAs long as judges continue to legislative from the bench, the voices of Americans will continue to be extinguished with the help of the ruling political class and their minions*.  Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama know this.  And the only people who know it better than the two of them, are the 7,000,000 voters who had their votes canceled by 1 gay judge, when he overturned California's Proposition 8.

  • One of YF's Favorite Malcontents
    Christopher Hitchens has cancer.  He wrote about it in Vanity Fair recently, in his own special way.  Arguably the world's most famous atheists, he says he's astonished at the number of people praying for his health.  I guess that is a pretty good illustration of his lack of understanding of Christianity, in my opinion.

*compliant media