Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Say Stop Settling.....Take It All!

For a long time Israel has been what most would consider a friendly country to the United States.  With the current administration's policies though, it may be a friend no longer.

The issue at hand is Israel's building of new settlements in Jerusalem.  The Palestinians do not like it, and apparently, neither does Obama, Hillary, or the crew over at the State Department.  They have been putting pressure on the Israelis to stop what they are doing.  Israel is not real happy about that, and has publicly bashed the Obama administration for their stance while continuing to build their settlements.

Now you may wonder why Israel needs to build settlements.  After all, that has been the major issue for decades right?  That is what you always hear on the news....

"Israel is building a new settlement and stealing land from the Palestinians, the Obama administration condemns this inhumane act that is demolishing the international peace process."

Maybe it will clear things up if I reword the news that you hear into the news that you should hear:

"Israel is building a new subdivision in their capitol city.  Illegal immigrants and the Obama administration are angry about it."

Puts it in perspective doesn't it?  If I were Israel, I would have blueprints in one hand while flipping the bird with the other.  Our government is not only overstepping their bounds locally, but they are trying to tell people what to do half way across the world.  Maybe Israel should be the one telling us to stop building in Washington D.C., since three times as many people are murdered per capita there than in Israel.

(UPDATE 3/26: Netanyahu left D.C. "disgraced, isolated and altogether weaker" because of President Barack Obama.)


Storme said...

Biden, H. Clinton, and now Obama have all insulted Netanyahu. I believe they do this as much because they're liberals and the Israeli P.M. is conservative. Obama did not have dinner with Netanyahu -- ironic since Muslims are not to dine with Jews. You figure it out.

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