Wednesday, March 31, 2010

If You Feel Like It, Help Stop These Idiots

Today I made the first charitable donation of my life.  Well, the first where I actually sought someone out to give them money.  For those who are unaware, Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder was killed in Iraq in a vehicle accident.  During his funeral the retards from the Westboro Baptist Church showed up with signs like you see above.  The devastated family was hurt even worse by this and sued the church for damages. 

Well, after an appeal the Snyder family lost their case.  Not only did they lose, but they were ordered by a judge to pay the church that is cheering the deaths of US Servicemen a total of $16,500. 

Even though Bill O'Reily has pledged to pay the money for the family, they need legal fees to take their case to the Supreme Court.  Any extra money will go towards scholarships for soldiers and marines.

Anyways, I was outraged and if you feel like helping out the website is

P.S. This is not a solicitation, I really did donate some money today.  Someone needs to put a stop to these idiots.   I like to think I helped just a bit.

I'm not buying this. (UPDATE!)

(I'm certain whoever wrote this was SURE that the missing "t" in "extremism" would leave no doubt it was thrown by a violent Tea Partier.)

I hesitate to enter into "conspiracy theory" territory, but all I've heard for two days is how Democratic congressmen who voted for Obamacare are allegedly being threatened, having windows smashed, having coffins placed near their homes, and having brothers' outdoor gas lines viciously attacked.

You know what?  I'm not buying it.  Mostly because I'm normally a skeptic, but also because of the post-Obamacare distraction timing, the pre-packaged response of the Dems, and the constant anonymity of the assailants.

This all started when Nancy Pelosi tempted all the protesters on her way to the health care vote (giant gavel in hand).  There are videos of her smug march all over the internet, and despite not a single audible slur being spoken, the Dems still claim both racial and homosexual epithets were hurled their way.  I'm sure Nancy & Co. were pretty disappointed they had to make this story up. 

Until there is video evidence or a conviction in any of these cases, I'm going to continue to assume this is all a farce.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Energy Star CERTIFIED.

Energy Star is a is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy "helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices".  Despite news to the contrary, they are a self-proclaimed "overwhelming success".

The New York Times is reporting that a secret Congressional audit has uncovered evidence that Energy Star's methods of certifying products as energy efficient and environmentally friendly are... well... sort of crappy.

The only surprising part of this story is that the Government attempted some oversight of one of its own fatty appendages.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Say Stop Settling.....Take It All!

For a long time Israel has been what most would consider a friendly country to the United States.  With the current administration's policies though, it may be a friend no longer.

The issue at hand is Israel's building of new settlements in Jerusalem.  The Palestinians do not like it, and apparently, neither does Obama, Hillary, or the crew over at the State Department.  They have been putting pressure on the Israelis to stop what they are doing.  Israel is not real happy about that, and has publicly bashed the Obama administration for their stance while continuing to build their settlements.

Now you may wonder why Israel needs to build settlements.  After all, that has been the major issue for decades right?  That is what you always hear on the news....

"Israel is building a new settlement and stealing land from the Palestinians, the Obama administration condemns this inhumane act that is demolishing the international peace process."

Maybe it will clear things up if I reword the news that you hear into the news that you should hear:

"Israel is building a new subdivision in their capitol city.  Illegal immigrants and the Obama administration are angry about it."

Puts it in perspective doesn't it?  If I were Israel, I would have blueprints in one hand while flipping the bird with the other.  Our government is not only overstepping their bounds locally, but they are trying to tell people what to do half way across the world.  Maybe Israel should be the one telling us to stop building in Washington D.C., since three times as many people are murdered per capita there than in Israel.

(UPDATE 3/26: Netanyahu left D.C. "disgraced, isolated and altogether weaker" because of President Barack Obama.)

Where Have All The Foggots Gone?

I was beginning to think I was the lone contributor to Yummy Fog.  I didn't mind, I know people are busy, and some of my fellow Yummy Foggers have started posts... they've had ideas...

It turns out, though, that they have been active.  They've just been giving it away for free all over the internet, and via quality text messages like the one above I received from ScaryGuy.
"From now on, I will call all abortions 'stupaks.'"
Wanna see what else they've been up to?

Monday, March 22, 2010

A healthy reminder of how to make a law.

A Message From Your Leaders

Sunday, March 21, 2010

In his own words...

"This is what change looks like" -President Barack Obama
Ever since the 2008 Presidential election, I was wondering what change would look like.  I didn't imagine it would look like a comically oversized gavel and men holding hands.

ObamaCare, day 371

Today (supposedly) the U.S. House of Representatives is going to vote on the Senate version of Healtch Care Reform.  It is the same legislation the House already rejected once, but now that there are only 59 Democratic Senators, they are having to get more flexible with how bills become laws.

Well, I could hardly sleep last night in anticipation of today's shennanigans.  When I finally fell asleep I had a dream.  In my dream, a guy in a wheelchair is pushed off a super tall ladder with nothing but wooden propellers to help him land safely (see illustration).  Luckily, he survived the trip back down to earth.  So, is this some sort of metaphor... or should I just quit drinking?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A lesson in government spending

C'mon, Census Bureau... you know I don't recycle!

Wow.  The way my mailbox keeps getting loaded up, I was thinking maybe it was my birthday.  But, no, it is just the Census sending me all this junk just to ask me my race 3 different ways.  (For this blog post, Hispanic origins are not races).

They can send me all the shit they want, and ask me in 7 different languages, but they aren't getting my phone number.

UPDATE (3/22/10): I just received another piece of trash I don't intend to recycle!  A piece of mail (postcard) reminding me that Census 2010 keeps sending me mail.  Fantastic.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Health Care for All! What a great idea.

This right is ensured by free, qualified medical care provided by state health institutions; by extension of the network of therapeutic and health-building institutions; by the development and improvement of safety and hygiene in industry; by carrying out broad prophylactic measures; by measures to improve the environment; by special care for the health of the rising generation, including prohibition of child labor, excluding the work done by children as part of the school curriculum; and by developing research to prevent and reduce the incidence of disease and ensure citizens a long and active life.
- Article 42, Constitution of USSR (1977)

I think it should be a right for every American.
- Barack Obama (2008)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Tale of Two Border Crossings

Did you hear the one about Sarah Palin crossing the border into Canada to get health care?

Prepare to be SHOCKED!

Oh, and the other border crossing story is kinda old news... probably not worth your time to even bother with really.

It's just that there was this other completely irrelevant story about some dude from Canada coming down for a procedure in America.

Anyway, back to the Sarah Palin story; Let's examine the author's writing process first.

Congressman Rev. Cleaver Accidentally Makes An Accurate Comparison

First of all, I find it interesting that Cleaver reveals that the House isn't just one or two votes shy of passing the Senate's health care bill... which was the widely held conventional wisdom. But that he thinks that they may be short by 15 or 16 votes.

He then goes on to liken the Health Care legislation to 'milk' that has 'been left out on the counter for too long' and that it's 'starting to smell'.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome to the Republican Party, Representative Massa (D-NY)

  • Political Correctness troubles?- CHECK.
  • Thinks Rahm Emanuel is "son of the devil's spawn"?- CHECK.
  • Against ObamaCare?- CHECK.
  • War veteran?- CHECK.
  • Realizes Labor Unions are simply in place for legal political bribery?- CHECK.
  • Believes "You cannot effectively govern this country without the consent of the governed"?- CHECK. 
Listen to the full audio of Rep. Eric Massa go down in a blaze of glory on the radio last Sunday.
Or, if you're lazy... just catch a few highlights here.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you should do according to your country.

The British government is investigating the possibility of taxing people according to the weight of the trash they put to the curb.  They have secretly put microchips in people trash bins without their knowledge in preparation to pass the extremely unpopular tax.

"...yesterday, research by the Big Brother Watch campaign group showed that the use of chipped bins has quietly spread over the past year." .... "According to the responses from town halls, 2,629,052 homes have now been given bins with chips"
This is yet another example of how our governments have progressed from a representation of the people to a decision maker for the people.  It is embarrassing that we as a people have idly sat by while our rights are slowly eroded away one decision at a time.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I liked you better way back when.



Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2 down, 5 to go.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is recommending a stoppage of Saturday mail delivery in an effort to alleviate their constantly plummeting losses. I'd say this is a step in the right direction, but the ultimate solution-- which I have personally heralded for years-- is to close down the USPS completely.