Monday, March 29, 2010

Energy Star CERTIFIED.

Energy Star is a is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy "helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices".  Despite news to the contrary, they are a self-proclaimed "overwhelming success".

The New York Times is reporting that a secret Congressional audit has uncovered evidence that Energy Star's methods of certifying products as energy efficient and environmentally friendly are... well... sort of crappy.

The only surprising part of this story is that the Government attempted some oversight of one of its own fatty appendages.

Watchdogs within the Environment Protection Agency and the Department of Energy have reported in the past that Energy Star has taken some claims of energy efficiency on faith.
If that is the case, then why does there need to be a government-funded program?  Couldn't we simply print little blue star stickers and hand them out to companies to put on whatever products they decided were energy efficient and environmentally friendly?

Energy Star approved 10 fraudulent appliances, from 5 make believe companies.  Some of the finer examples include a "Gas Powered Alarm Clock" and this "Air Room Cleaner".  The photo submitted to Energy Star was a soiled feather duster shoved into a space heater.

This, despite their stated claim:

ENERGY STAR distinguishes energy efficient products which, although they may cost more to purchase than standard models, will pay you back in lower energy bills within a reasonable amount of time.
Why is this important?

Because all Energy Star products are eligible for tax credits, thanks to the Stimulus Bill.

Because the Government is funding a program that hands out stickers that helps determine who they hand out money to.

The lady-in-charge of Energy Star replied to these findings by saying,
"Every product that is certified is reviewed by a human being"
To which Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) replied,
“I don’t think I’d admit that.”


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