Wednesday, April 28, 2010

la gran idea

As we all know by now, Arizona has amended their existing immigration laws to include this sort of insidious language:
With stuff like "lawful contact" and "reasonable attempt" and "practicable", it is no wonder that angry mobs have taken to the streets to protest and throw trash at police officers.

This is the first such instance of riotous mobs on American soil I can think of... in like... I dunno, 17 months or so. And these angry organizers say there are more to come.  On May 1st, 2010, opponents of the new Arizona law intend to protest with a unified march on 70 different cities! This is how I thought up la gran idea...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Environmentalism at Work

Brain Farts

1.   Matt Groening did something funny for the first time since the Futurama movies.

2.  The Majority of economists believe the Stimulus package and jobs bill did absolutely nothing to help improve the economy.  Proof.

In related news, Mr. Obama's work history:
                 a) Weed Salesman
                 b) Community Organizer
                 c) Civil Rights Lawyer
                 d) State Senator
                 e) US Senator
                 f) President of the US

....In more related news, I have held more jobs than that and I am 27.

.............In even more related news, Tim Geitner has NEVER held a real job.  Straight from the Horse's mouth.

3.   I just bought a Motorola Backflip.  Welcome to the smartphone world me.

4.   Some guy claimed that Senator Lindsay Graham was gay. 

In related news....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Q: You Know What is Great about North Carolina?

A:1. The revenue from their lottery goes to education! (snicker, snicker)
A:2. This scratcher game:

A:3. Fresh Copenhagen. It satisfies. (Since 1822)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dear Comedy Central,

Apparently you enjoy kowtowing to reactionary retards.  It seems that the South Park guys were none too happy about it either.  In honor of your being giant vaginas, I found a picture of what you censored in last night's episode.  I will post it here so you don't have to be held responsible.

Ladies and Gentlemen!  I give you....the Prophet Muhammad!

(UPDATE- after the jump!)

Monday, April 19, 2010

AQ-Iraq Leaders = Dead

from The Washington Post

If Al-Qaeda was never in Iraq, how could its leaders be there in order to be wiped out?

"Iraq is blood for oil! Iraq didn't attack us 9/11!"

UPDATE: Third formerly non-existent guy dies.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sorry to bump Ferociously Aloof's incredible post but....

You guys have to see this.

Oh, and if you are wondering about the Larry Sinclair part...try this link for an explanation.  Or maybe this one.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Conversations With An Honest, Yet Imaginary, Congressional Democrat

Question Asker Guy: Thank you for being here Mr. Imaginary Congressman from AnyState

Honest Imaginary Congressman: According to my official "Obama's Blind Lackey Guidebook" I'm to now begin my spiel about how we saved America from the Evil Insurance Companies. Did you know that an Evil Insurance Company attempted to deny coverage to some poor guy with HIV and then...

QAG: Is this the story about the Insurance company in South Carolina that was sued by the guy with HIV and then the Insurance Company had to pay the guy 10 million dollars?

HIC: I don't know. Maybe. My point being, Insurance Company's are evil and I hate them and so should you.

QAG: So as you see it, insurance companies are the problem?

HIC: No, even though insurance companies are evil and I hate them and so should you. The thing that makes me the most sad is the anywhere from 5 to 100 million people in the United States who are currently uninsured. That's really why we passed this Health Care Reform Bill.

QAG: Did you say, "anywhere from 5 to 100 million... uninsured."?

HIC: Yeah, it's fun to throw out meaningless numbers.

QAG: Do you actually know how many people living in the United States are currently without health insurance?

The US Punishes the Honest, Law Abiders

Yesterday night my wife's Aunt, Uncle and two cousins legally immigrated to the United States.  Even though I could tell they were a bit scared, being thousands of miles from their home while leaving all they had and all they knew behind, I could see the excitement and wonder in their eyes.  I asked her cousin if he was excited and he smiled from ear to ear and said, "Oh yes!".  It made me feel really good that our country can provide that opportunity for people, but it also tore me up a bit.  Here is why.

So, my in-laws petitioned for their immigration.  Do you know how long it took for them to get here?  26 years.  It took 26 years for them to arrive.  It took so long, in fact, that some of their children (none of whom had been born when the petition was filed) were too old to be included and had to stay.  This is outrageous.

We allow millions of illegal immigrants to come in every year without getting in trouble.  Hell, if their family had come to the US illegally, they would have been granted amnesty already.  Not only that, but all of their children would have been legal US citizens regardless of their parents status since they would have been born here.  So, by breaking the law they would have been rewarded multiple times.

Something is seriously wrong with our system that it takes that long to immigrate legally.  It is even more wrong that we reward illegal immigrants with drivers licenses, health care, welfare, and other public funds.

We have to clamp down on our borders, and we have to stream line legal immigration processes.   The end.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Oops!... He did it again.

"If America shows weakness and uncertainty, the world will drift toward tragedy."

Gnome Enthusiast Update:

I wonder where he learned it?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Supreme Perspective

This week, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens announced his upcoming retirement from the highest court in the land.  This will surely set off a too-long, and much-debated selection process for his replacement.

As cliche' as it is, this is the cost of elections.  I'd like to see Republican officials respect the separation of powers included in the Constitution, and confirm the President's appointee.  But, I'd also like to see these same Congressman vet this (surely "progressive" and half-mongoloid) appointee thoroughly and publically. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Democrat Congress bones all of us

Hey, look, a graph:

Cash For Clunkers boned all of us

I steal from I like their graph of the day.

Cost to taxpayers for each extra car sold because of Cash for Clunkers: $20,000
Number of 'clunkers' turned in (and taken out of the market): 677,081
Price increase of used used cars since CfC: 13.7%
Change in car sales from July 2009 to February 2010: -0.6%
As you can see, when the government steps in to fix a problem, even if there isn't really a problem, everyone loses.

Subsidizing Everyone and Their Mothers

Project Prevention is a charity that uses donations to pay for drug addicts to get sterilized. According to their website they offer "cash incentives to women that are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to use long-term or permanent birth control."

The reason I bring this up is not to argue whether Project Prevention is correct or not.  That is for you to decide.  I bring it up because they are now offering their services in England, which gives us an idea of what it will soon be like here with the new health care law.  See, since England has socialized health care, Project Prevention doesn't pay for the operation.  They pay drug addicts cash money to utilize public funds for their operation.

That is what will be happening in the United States soon.  I am willing to bet that most hardcore addicts in the US do not pay any taxes.  Soon, we will not only be paying for these people's health insurance, but with the help of charities like Project Prevention, we will be subsidizing operations while the non-tax paying addict makes money.  

Being a charity, Project Prevention also pays no taxes, the money the addicts make will not be taxed, and if you read my previous post you will know that the addict probably not only gets a paycheck from the government for welfare and foodstamps, but also makes money come tax time every year.  We are essentially subsidizing the person's entire life, while charities are encouraging them with cash to spend even more of our money.

So, like I can choose whether the ideals behind Project Prevention are good or bad, but their methods cannot be justified by anyone.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beware the Ides of March!

Tax day approaches, and though it is not on the traditional day of March 15th anymore, the extra month the government gives us doesn't really make a difference.  What is that saying about life...ah yes, "The only certain things in life are death and taxes."

Well, as it turns out, that is not true for quite a few Americans.  According to the Tax Research Center 47% of people will pay no taxes for 2009. In fact they state:
"The bottom 40 percent, on average, make a profit from the federal income tax, meaning they get more money in tax credits than they would otherwise owe in taxes. For those people, the government sends them a payment."
This is ridiculous.  I know I got gouged for thousands of dollars in taxes even while being laid off for 4 months of the year.  Who are these people?  We essentially have a wealth redistribution system in which the top 10% of earners give money to the lower 50% with the big bad government acting as the middle man. These people are getting a paycheck for doing nothing.  They are being rewarded for underachieving while those who are successful are being punished in excess.

The US Tax code is roughly 17,000 pages.  Hell, the instructions on how to fill out your tax form are 305 pages long.  All those pages add up to a $12,600,000,000 budget for the IRS.  That is about $50 from every man woman and child in the country.  Well, actually, since most people don't pay any taxes the ones who do are charged extra to support the people who take their money.  Awesome.
You want a solution that will save taxpayers billions and restore economic freedom to all Americans?

Flat tax.

Flat tax!