Friday, February 19, 2010

The Politics of Murderers

It seems that every time some loon blows a gasket and starts killing people (usually in a "gun free" zone, such as a government building or school) we are treated to the media's interpretation of the criminal's personal politics... when it is convenient for them.

The recent case of Austin's kamikazee murderer, Joe Stack, is no different. It is easy to find examples of media types pontificating on his political leaning, thanks to his over indulgent suicide note. To me, it seems to be the ramblings of an off-the-rails murderer. But even Fox News couldn't resist the urge:
"Joseph Stack, the 53-year-old software engineer who crashed his small plane into a seven-story office building in Austin, Texas, was part of a growing, violent anti-tax and anti-government movement that has become increasingly alarming to law enforcement agencies."
And the Washington Post couldn't help themselves but to take that line of thought a step further:
"After reading his 34-paragraph screed, I am struck by how his alienation is similar to that we're hearing from the extreme elements of the Tea Party movement."
My opinion... which you can simply consider "truth" is that this guy's writing is all over the place, as you would expect of any crazy person. But, if you look at the final line of his note, he bashes capitalism after tauting communism:
"The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed."
Some people would couple that information, along with his residency in Austin and the fact that he played guitar (if the Black Eyed Peas, Springsteen, and the Dixie Chicks have taught us anything... it's that musicians hate conservatism) and conclude that if a crazy person could have political leanings... this guy would definitely lean left. Now, I'm not saying that-- but I see how "some people" could reach that conclusion.

(In related news, UAH professor and fellow murderer, Amy Bishop DID have an obvious political stance... which went mostly unnoticed by the media.
"A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children - the youngest a third-grade boy - was a far-left political extremist who was “obsessed” with President Obama to the point of being off-putting."
However, since the woman is absolutely insane and/or evil, I won't put too much credence into who she voted for.)


Storme said...

I'm old enough to remember when the media referred to the Soviet Union as "left wing" (back when communism was popular). I've noted in recent years that they have metamorphosed into "right wing". Unfortunately for the left, the Nazis, the Facists, the Socialist, and the communists all embraced the power of the government over the rights of the individual. They are all leftist style methods of governing and all are totalitarian. When you take over private industry that's socialism/communism.

Duck of Death said...

further support:

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