Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Q: Son esos pantalones de espacio?

Judging by his piece in the Wall Street Journal, I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say that John Yoo has juevos grande, aka fat nuts. (That about sums up my entire Spanish vocabulary and it is probably incorrect).

Let me share the first paragraph:
"Barack Obama may not realize it, but I may have just helped save his presidency. How? By winning a drawn-out fight to protect his powers as commander in chief to wage war and keep Americans safe."
Recently, on a Friday night news dump, the White House "announced" that the DoJ would not prosecute John Yoo, and those in similar situations, for helping America fight terrorism.

Yoo was working in the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel during the Global War on Terrorism under President G. W. Bush. The Left hates John Yoo because his determinations included the obvious: the Geneva Conventions do not apply when handling terrorists, it is not torture to cause sleep deprivation, etc.

Of course the Geneva Conventions wouldn't apply. The Geneva Conventions didn't apply when a terrorist shot and killed that abortion doctor, ol' whats-his-face, last year in Kansas. Why would they be followed by terrorists who are not fighting for their respective nations, let alone signatory nations.

By no stretch of my imagination would I consider an example of torture to be keeping a terrorist up past his bedtime.

The MSM cries more over the treatment of the Guantanamo detainees than do the Guantanamo detainees.

To summarize: John Yoo stomped the President's yard. Follow the link for the whole thing here.

A: Porque tu asno es afuera de este mundo!


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