Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Mouse That Roared

President Barack Obama wants you to be the loudest 23% you can be! And it seems sharing personal stories about how health reform affects you and your family is a great way to show the importance and urgency of health reform.


You're Wrong said...

You cited Rasmussen. Even the National Review thinks they're too conservative. You can do better than this.

Duck of Death said...

If you prefer CNN, they have it 25% (nice try, dipshit)

ScaryGuy said...

I don't care about that lady who is wearing her dead sister's teeth. Dental work is covered in Medicare but there is no dental coverage in the bills passed by the House or the Senate.

You're Wrong said...

All I said was you could do better than posting a very biased poll. It's not like you're making a difficult argument.

More proof of how important controlling the message is.

Gnome Enthusiast said...

In the 2008 Presidential Election Rassmusen was the most accurate of all the polls. So says:
Costas Panagopoulos, Ph.D.
Department of Political Science
Fordham University

You will also notice that they were the second most accurate in 2004.

In short, "You're Wrong" needs to find better complaining points. A pollster cannot be biased AND the most accurate. Looking at the facts, it seems that the other pollsters are the biased ones.

Gnome Enthusiast Out.

Storme said...

Rassmussen is the most accurate polling because they poll "registered voters". CNN/NYTIMES/CBS all heavily weight their polls (manipulate?) towards democrats and call people who are home during the day (who is at home, not working? oh yeah, welfare recipients). Also a Nexus/Lexus search and a Nat Review search doesn't show what "you're wrong" is stating. Therefore, I dub thee "Troll" You're wrong. The misinformation comes from you. The blog authors can expect this as Obama's people have a website instructor their "trolls" how to do this. We know who you are. pwned and DENIED!

Anonymous said...

Rush left the line open for three hours determined to get an Obamabot seminar caller to call in and give talking points. Three Hours! No one called in. Guys like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Savage are hungry for these moonbats to call in. This administration is just desperate. Up against the wall for Obamacare.

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