Saturday, April 10, 2010

Subsidizing Everyone and Their Mothers

Project Prevention is a charity that uses donations to pay for drug addicts to get sterilized. According to their website they offer "cash incentives to women that are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to use long-term or permanent birth control."

The reason I bring this up is not to argue whether Project Prevention is correct or not.  That is for you to decide.  I bring it up because they are now offering their services in England, which gives us an idea of what it will soon be like here with the new health care law.  See, since England has socialized health care, Project Prevention doesn't pay for the operation.  They pay drug addicts cash money to utilize public funds for their operation.

That is what will be happening in the United States soon.  I am willing to bet that most hardcore addicts in the US do not pay any taxes.  Soon, we will not only be paying for these people's health insurance, but with the help of charities like Project Prevention, we will be subsidizing operations while the non-tax paying addict makes money.  

Being a charity, Project Prevention also pays no taxes, the money the addicts make will not be taxed, and if you read my previous post you will know that the addict probably not only gets a paycheck from the government for welfare and foodstamps, but also makes money come tax time every year.  We are essentially subsidizing the person's entire life, while charities are encouraging them with cash to spend even more of our money.

So, like I can choose whether the ideals behind Project Prevention are good or bad, but their methods cannot be justified by anyone.


You're Wrong said...

Let me begin by saying I've always been a proponent of eugenics. In the past the gene pool has been protected by the simple fact that if you were a total fucktard, no one would sleep with you and assist in passing on your fucktarded genes. The times they are a changing, though.

Attempts to increase overall quality of life in this country has inadvertently given means to folks whose lines would have normally died off due to starvation, crime, town justice, or a lack of interested partners.

It used to be a man had to leave his parent's home, prove he could build his own life and wealth, and only then would he attract a mate. Now we've become so wealthy as a nation we've created an artificial society where men have few, if any responsibilities. Housing and food is subsidized by the public leaving these men to spend their time and money feeding alcohol and lies to young women, making them more likely to succumb to the advances of an unfit male. College, my friends, has become a menace to our future.

College has become a literal breeding ground for genes that would otherwise be unfit to pass along to the next generation. Our own ScaryGuy is a perfect example of this tragic development. Were it not for college no woman would have taken him for a suitable male and accepted his defunct seed.

This careless mistake in breeding only increased his stock with other females. As you know, females are a generally stupid lot. Logic and reason are not their strengths. When one female sees a male has reproduced they assume he must be fit and will accept him more readily as a mate. This flaw in female thinking (if we can accuse the female mind capable of thought) has allowed ScaryGuy to find even more mates and continue passing his seed into the next generation.

To this day, ScaryGuy continues to live off the public dole. His ever-growing brood is only sustained by suckling from the teat of Lady Liberty and the US taxpayer.

Subsidization of basic needs must be stopped. In the interim, though, I feel the Government has a duty to fix the mess it has caused. Sterilization efforts are an excellent way to protect our gene pool from future harm.

But why stop with drug users? And why take only volunteers? Broad spectrum forced sterilization efforts would not only save our country millions in foster care and child support costs, but would also rid us of many ills.

Wal Marts would no longer be overrun by hordes of white trash babies. Trailer parks could return to being quite havens for the elderly. Eventually our children would never know the horror of sitting next to a ginger kid and would never have to wonder why God would create a human with no soul.

We require licensing to drive a car, own a gun, even to raise a puppy. It is time we realize that reproduction is a privilege. By ending subsidies that allow unfit males to pursue mates, and through forced sterilization efforts, we can ensure the generations to come will be upstanding, fit members of society, the way God intended.

ScaryGuy said...

For those of you at home, You're Wrong is jealous of my offspring. He had 2 chances to have his own. Chance #1 ended because a baby would have been inconvenient so he had his son or daughter Stupaked. Chance #2 fell through because You're Wrong's future ex-wife had a destroyed womb thanks to her earlier decision (re: Chance #1). Her new womb made it impossible for Victim #2 to develop to full term and was miscarried.

Not only do these facts show the impetus for You're Wrong's jealousy, but voids his entire argument that fucktard genes are carried on barrier free.

You're Wrong said...

Oh come now, ScaryGuy. There's no jealousy here. Anyone could have bred that walleyed slut. Scores were there beforehand. You were just the dipshit who didn't understand how condoms work.

Seriously, you put your dick in that uncovered? Gross.

As for my Stupak decision, I find it better to be able to provide for my own children, than have someone else do the job for me. It seems in practice, I'm more a Conservative than you.

Gnome Enthusiast said...

That reminds me of how I never got anyone pregnant because doing so is either a conscious decision or a blatant disregard of common sense.

You both are idiots.

The end.

ScaryGuy said...

I do not understand why anyone thinks I am not providing for my children and that someoe else is. Both of my kids (soon to be 3) live in non-welfare homes. Who is paying for my kids things? I would like to know so I can stop paying twice for things and to thank them.

Duck of Death said...

You've been had... read carefully,

"ScaryGuy continues to live off the public dole. His ever-growing brood is only sustained by suckling from the teat of Lady Liberty and the US taxpayer"

I assumed he was talking about your military income.

ScaryGuy said...

No. That can't be it. That argument is faulty. Awaiting response.

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