Monday, April 19, 2010

AQ-Iraq Leaders = Dead

from The Washington Post

If Al-Qaeda was never in Iraq, how could its leaders be there in order to be wiped out?

"Iraq is blood for oil! Iraq didn't attack us 9/11!"

UPDATE: Third formerly non-existent guy dies.


You're Wrong said...

Maybe they weren't there, but then they saw all these Americans to kill, so they came over in droves.

Gnome Enthusiast said...

Better them dead in Iraq than killing people here, that's what my grandpappy always used to tell me.

Funny though, because he was a hardcore democrat.

ScaryGuy said...

That is a great point, You'reWrong. Instead of facing 300 million assface Americans sitting on their couches holding a can of Coke, I too would rather fight to the death against 200,000 professional warfighters sitting on a 7-Ton wielding a .50 caliber machine gun.

300mil Americans in America = status quo
200k Americans in Iraq = "all those Americans to kill"

You're Wrong said...

Most terrorists, insurgents, Al-Qaeda, name du jor, know nothing about the enemy they face.

Saddam told his troops we fought with cardboard tanks. They don't rally the troops talking about how bad ass American soldiers are, they say how the infidel has invaded their holy soil and is out to eradicate all Muslims. Makes recruiting very easy, and a target much easier to get to.

An invasion without extermination creates far more terrorists than it can kill.

Gnome Enthusiast said...

So, you are calling all Arabs idiots?

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