Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Supreme Donor

President Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan as the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court.  She hasn't been a judge before, which isn't a bad thing.  Her resume' includes a nice stint as the Dean of Harvard Law School.

(Her most remarkable moment there, in the eyes of the national media, was when she attempted to disallow military recruiting on her campus because of the "moral injustice" of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.  President Bush appealed to the Supreme Court, and Harvard and other law schools lost the decision 8-0.)

I digress.  A continued look at Kagan's resume' reveals her last "job" before being appointed by President Obama as Solicitor General was as member of the Research Advisory Council of the Goldman Sachs Global Markets Institute.

Hmmm... it seems there was some other place I saw both Harvard and Goldman Sachs listed... where was that list again...
HERE IT IS!  Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign's "Top Donors" list: 

Coincidence abounds!


You're Wrong said...

Lately you've taken a certain interest in campaign finance. Did you just now learn that private funds fuel our election system, or do you only care to point out contributors now that a Democrat is in the White House?

You've been noticeably silent on the Citizens United decision, as well as the Courts overturning of parts of McCain Feingold. Any thoughts there?

Gnome Enthusiast said...

Campaign finance reform was a gross injustice to the american people. A citizen can do whatever he or she wants to with their own money.

Without economic freedom, social freedom doesn't exist. It is and must be the core value of any free society and when denied, freedom disappears.

Duck of Death said...

Mr. Wrong,
With our recent finance debate fresh on my mind, Elena Kagan topped the news. A quick glance at her biography quickly helped make the connection that not everyone can on their own.
(see Jay Leno's recent joke that ends with "When the head of Goldman Sachs was going through security, he was asked to empty his pockets and five Republican senators fell out.")

And your "noticeably silent" remark is a joke. It's a blog. One you should feel privileged to know about. We just write whatever and whenever.

P.S. Let me point out one more thing about how this stuff is reported (or not)... this one featuring the evil Halliburton Co. who just got another gigantic no-bid Government contract, but this time from Obama instead of Bush.

Anonymous said...

The Supreme court is unbalanced. Every jurist is either from Yale or Harvard. Time to stop doing that and get some real diversity. Someone from the midwest, someone from the West. Kagan is dirty with Goldman Sachs bucks and she is lesbian -- yet, the Obama administration is homophobic, decrying her known gay lifestyle when it is reported on.

Ferociously Aloof said...

Kagan's undergraduate thesis is a lament about the failings of the Socialist Party in New York and ultimately the US as a whole.

Apparently, the early Socialist Party split as some chose Communism instead.

Those poor last few remaining Socialists doomed themselves by hated the Commies more than they hated the Capitalists.

Alas, according to Hagan, "Americans are more likely to speak of... capitalism's glories than of socialism's greatness."

I believe she describes the failure of a strong Socialist movement as "a sad story".

Storme said...

FA: Liberals think the reason communism/Socialism hasn't worked is because they haven't been the ones administering it. They think they know better than you and I do what is best for us. Unfortunately, Socialism always results in totalitarianism (USSR and Nazi Germany).

Anonymous said...

Kagan breaks federal law and gets nominated to the Supreme Court. Arizona citizens get murdered and kidnapped so they decide to do something about it and then get slammed by Obama and Holder. But, both of them promise to actually read the law they're criticizing at some future point. However, Holder has at least "heard" some stuff about it he doesn't like. This is Twilight Zone $hit.

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