Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello from my cell phone.

A homeless guy asked me for some money a few minutes ago to which I replied "Sorry, but I work for my money".
The homeless guy responded, "But I don't have a job!"

"Thats because your lazy ass just sits in front of this gas station," says me.

Moral of the story...homeless people get angry easily.


Storme said...

These are the people that sit around in classes, screwing around, skipping school, not doing their homework, smarting off to the teacher and whose parents think their kid does no wrong. I have little sympathy for people who get a free education, blow it off and then want a free ride. Now, there are some (mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, handicapped, etc.) that I don't mind paying out for. But NOT for lazy A$$es who exploit the system.

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