Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It Is Our Fault....Well, Your Fault

Why do people have to try and ruin everything?  The jackass pictured above is currently trying to get off the hook for murdering his little brother by blaming it on one of the best shows on television, Dexter.  This has happened over and over again in the past.  People blame their acts on video games, movies, music, hell, even the Power Rangers have had their share. 

The problem isn't the shows or the games.  It isn't the portrayal of violence or the glorified aggression.  The problem is society's acceptance of these excuses as valid.  We allow psychologists to make shit up and we accept it as a professional diagnosis when in reality they are just trying to justify their jobs.  Case and point:  ADD isn't real.  It is made up to employ psychologists, to sell medication, and to allow schools to have poor students not counted on standardized tests.  How many young children have razor-sharp focus?  How many adults for that matter?

Until society stands up and says, "Sex addiction? Shut the F&$* up.  Sounds more like self-control un-addiction" we will be stuck in this cycle of being forced to accept lame-o excuses for the most heinous acts.  So, if you see that little ginger pictured above, a child with ADD, or a psychologist, do America a big favor and punch them in the face.  It is a win-win for you, because if you get caught you can just blame this post.


You're Wrong said...

I love everything about this post. From beginning to end, it is a mastery of prose. Most of the time you're a fucking idiot, but today you have truly outdone yourself. Bravo.

Duck of Death said...

Oh uh... the dreaded "You're Wrong Seal-of-Approval". Guess we'll have to wait another 3 months before Gnome returns.

In related Power Ranger news. Did you guys know the White Ranger is now a tatted up MMA fighter? (2-0 since going pro!)


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